Grace means that we believe God’s gift of salvation is given freely through the Lord Jesus Christ apart from any merit or good works which we have done. Jesus Christ lived a sinless life and then died on the Cross for His people. He took the wrath of God against us so that God may now freely forgive us. The debt we owed and couldn’t pay has been paid for us by the Son of God. God’s grace that leads to salvation is truly free!
Presbyterian means that our congregation is governed by Elders or Presbyters (the two terms are interchangeable in the Bible), elected by the congregation to govern and guide the Church in accordance with the principles and commands of Scripture. Presbyterian also means we use the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Shorter and Larger Catechisms as our confessions of faith and tools for instructing Christians in the teachings of the Holy Bible.
Church means that we’re a “called out” assembly of Christian families and individuals, gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, as a community of believers and their children to serve the Triune God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and encourage His people. Everyone seeking to know God and serve Him is heartily welcome to attend our services and the meetings of this congregation.
Now that you know a little about us, why not come and worship with us? We’d be encouraged by your attendance, and we hope you will be too. We meet each Sunday morning at 9:30AM for Sunday School. Our Worship Service begins at 10:30AM. The church building is located at 2095 El Verano Street (off of Victor Ave, near Enterprise Park) in Redding, California.
For more information call us at 530-227-3630 or e-mail us